General Information

Engineering is the art of applying the knowledge of science for the benefit of humanity. Mechanical Engineering is the most broadly based area of engineering. It includes the science and art of the formulation, design, analysis, development, manufacturing and control of the systems and machines. Central to the profession is the importance of innovation and of creating new technologies and products.
Mechanical Engineering Department offers undergraduate and graduate (MSc. and Ph.D) programs. Besides a thorough background in the fundamentals of mechanical engineering, students acquire basic skills in computers, mathematics, physics, chemistry as well as other subjects. The electives are intended to provide excellent preparation for careers in many different areas of mechanical engineering.
The mission of the undergraduate curriculum is to prepare its graduates to meet the challanges associated with their particular career paths, and to adapt to the rapidly changing technologies. The curriculum includes a variety of courses covering subjects in the Heat and Fluid, Materials, Design and Production, Theory of Machines and Control Systems, as well as intensive design and laboratory works. The curriculum is structured to provide the students with technical skills, engineering insights and problem solving abilities, and to prepare its graduates as educated, responsible, environmentally sensible citizens. In addition to teaching, the Departments faculty are actively involved in research sponsored by the public and private sectors. The faculties research provides the motivation for undergraduate students to attend graduate school for advance degrees, which is one of the main targets of IzTech.
The major research groups of the department are Engineering Mechanics, Biomechanics and Biomaterials, Materials, Mechatronics and Robotics, Renewable Energy and Heat and Fluid .
Research activities in the Department are concentrated on Heat and Fluid, Design and Production, Theory of Machines and Control Systems, Mechatronics and Robotics, Applied Mechanics, Biomechanics, Renewable Energy and Materials.
UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM: The undergraduate curriculum leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering is given below. All undergraduate students are required to spend a minimum of four weeks twice during their study, in a workshop and in industry to gain experience during summer times. Education in Mechanical Engineering Department is research-based. Students are given individual/team projects starting from first year with ME 101 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering course. The aim is to improve the students skill in conducting research, creative thinking, writing and presentation. The five technical elective courses on the fourth year of the curriculum provide the students the opportunity to get specialised in the field of their interest. Senior students take ME 401 Engineering Economics and Design and ME 402 Engineering Design courses to apply the engineering sciences to the design of a system, component, orprocess. Students choose the particular design project with the approval of theappropriate faculty and work as a team. Each project includes the useof open-ended problems with realistic constraints such as economic factors,safety, reliability, maintenance, aesthetics, ethics, and social impact. Oral presentation and the demonstration, if any, will be carried out during the jury examination. The department has been serving in the Engineering Building-B since 2009.
Department of Mechanical Engineering “Research Highlights” Journal is published.
If interested, follow the link below to published issues of the journal.