
Course CodeCourse NameCredit(T+A)Prerequisite /
   Total ECTS30

Course CodeCourse NameCredit(T+A)Prerequisite /
   Total ECTS30

Course CodeCourse NameCredit(T+A)Prerequisite /
TURK201TURKISH LANGUAGE I(2+0)Non-credit 2
ME221STATICS(3+0)3 5
   Total ECTS30

Course CodeCourse NameCredit(T+A)Prerequisite /
   Total ECTS30

Course CodeCourse NameCredit(T+A)Prerequisite /
   Total ECTS30

Course CodeCourse NameCredit(T+A)Prerequisite /
   Total ECTS30

Course CodeCourse NameCredit(T+A)Prerequisite /
   Total ECTS30

Course CodeCourse NameCredit(T+A)Prerequisite /
   Total ECTS30

Note1: This page is for informational purposes only, please refer to link for further information.

Note2: Click to access course prerequisites table.

Course Contents

  • 1. Year Courses
  • 2. Year Courses
  • 3. Year Courses
  • 4. Year Courses
  • Other Courses

MATH 101 Precalculus (2-0)0            ECTS:2

Functions and their inverses, operations with functions and graphing techniques, polynomial functions, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, trigonometric identities and trigonometric equations, systems of equations, inequalities and solving techniques.

MATH 141 Basic Calculus I (3-2)4            ECTS:5

Functions, limits and continuity, derivatives and their applications, integral and their applications, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric and inverse hyperbolic functions.

MATH 142 Basic Calculus II (3-2)4          ECTS:6

Techniques of integration, polar coordinates and conic sections, infinite series, parametric curves and vectors in the plane, vectors, curves and surfaces in spaces, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, vector analysis.

PHYS 121 General Physics I (3-2)4           ECTS:7

Basic concepts of mechanics using vectors and calculus; Newton’s laws of motion; conservation of energy and momentum. Kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies undergoing rectilinear, rotational, and oscillatory motion. Weekly laboratory experiments complement the lecture.

PHYS 122 General Physics II (3-2)4          ECTS:8

Continuation of Physics I. The fundamentals laws of electricity and magnetism, including electromagnetic oscillation and applications to circuits and instruments. Coulomb’s law; electric fields; Gauss’s law; electric potential; capacitance. Simple circuits; RC circuits. Magnetic force; forces and magnetic dipoles; magnetic fields; Faraday’s law; self-inductance. Weekly laboratory experiments complement the lecture.

CHEM 121 General Chemistry I (3-0)3                ECTS:5

Matter, its properties and measurements. Introduction to atomic theory, stoichiometry. The structural and physical properties of matter. Gases, liquids and solids. Intermolecular forces. Atomic and molecular structure. Compounds, molecules and molecular formulas, ions and ionic compounds. Atomic electronic configurations and periodicity. Basic concepts of chemical bonding, ionic, covalent and metallic bonding.

CHEM 141 General Chemistry Laboratory I (0-2)1                ECTS:2

Measurement and density, Stoichiometry of a reaction,titration of acids and bases, oxidaton-reduction reaction, gas analysis based on molar volume, termochemistry, precipitation reaction,gravimetric and volumetric analysis.

CS 106 Basic Computer Science and Programming (2-2)3         ECTS:5

Introduction to computer science. Foundations of programming. Coding techniques. Basic data structures. Generic coding-coding in pseudocode. Algorithmic design. Miscellaneous languages such as Visual Basic, C, JAVA etc. Fortran programming.

ENG 101 Development of Reading and Writing Skills I (3-0)3              ECTS:3

The reinforcement of reading and writing skills through reading selections with review of structural patterns and paragraph and summary writing.

ENG 102 Development of Reading and Writing Skills II (3-0)3 ECTS:3

A continuation of ENG 101.

GCC 101 Career Planning and Development (2-0)0 ECTS:2

IYTE Career, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Center (CLEC) provides the activities that support students’ skills enhancement. It also follows the course’s activities such as seminars, invitation of speakers, webinars, arrangements with guest lecturers and students’ communities.
The supportive activities of IYTE Career, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Center (CLEC) designed to present core methods and tools used in professional job applications. Also the activities are designed in a way to use these methods and tools in most effective way in career planning and development.
By collaboration with IYTE Alumni Office and IYTE Alumni Association, graduates share their experiences and introduce different businesses to the students.
The course is constructed over 3 modules.
Module 1: Internal stakeholders; IYTE Career, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Center (CLEC), IYTE Alumni Office, course lecturer participations. Career center presents available supplementary activities for IYTE students’ career planning and development.
Module 2: Guest speakers; IYTE graduates, IYTE student communities, IYTE lecturers present career development opportunities present in IYTE campus.
Module 3: Guest speakers and panels with external stakeholders; professionals from the public and private sector, academia, NGOs; sharing methods, tools and experiences about career planning and development.

ME 101 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering  (2-0)2            ECTS:5

Introduction to mechanical engineering. Speeches by invited speakers. Lectures on how to give a seminar and how to write a report. Technical trips to various industrial sites. Work on a project, write a report and present the project.

ME 113 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing I (2-2)3 ECTS:3

Introduction to hand-held instrument and computer aided engineering drawing. Constructional geometry. Othographic sketching and drawing. Three dimensional drawing. Principles of dimensioning. Sectional views. Auxiliary views, CAD Modeling, Introduction to Assembly drawings, Brief information of CAD tools.

ME 114 Computer Aided Engineering Drawing II (2-2)3            ECTS:4

Dimensioning and tolerances. Surface quality. Assembly drawings ... Screw threads, threaded fasteners, keys, splined shafts. In this course Autocad R14 package is used as a tool in advance level.

ME 150 Materials Science and Engineering I (3-0)3       ECTS:4

Atomic structure and Interatomic Bonding, The Structure of Crystalline Solids,  Imperfections in Solids, Point Defects, Miscellaneous Imperfections, Microscopic Examinations, Diffusion, Mechanical Properties of Metals, Elastic deformation,  Plastic Deformation, Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms, Dislocations and Plastic Deformation, Mechanism of Strengthening in Metals, Recovery, Recrystallization, Grain Growth, Laboratuary Experiments, Microstructural Observation with Microscope


ME 221 Statics (3-0)3          ECTS:5

Vector Quantities, Forces and Moments acting on particles, State of Equilibrium. Elements of Structures: Trusses, Beams, Shafts and Cables. Friction. Principles of Virtual Work.

ME 251 Materials Science and Engineering II (3-0)3      ECTS:5

Failure, Phase Diagrams, Definitions and Basic Concepts, Binary Phase Diagrams, The Iron-Carbon System, Phase Transformations in Metals, Phase Transformations, Microstructural and Property Changes in Iron-Carbon System, Corrosion and Degredation of Materials,  Corrosion of Metals, Corrosion of Ceramics,  Degredation of Polymers, Thermal Properties,  Electrical Properties,  Electrical Conduction, Material Selection and Design Considerations, Lab. Experiment, Heat Treatment of Steel, Testing Mechanical Behavior and Microstructure of the Samples

MATH 255 Differential Equations (4-0)4              ECTS:6

Clasification of Differential Equations, Initial and Boundary Value Problems. Exact and Seperable Differential Equations, Linear Equations and Bernoulli Equations. Higher Order Differential Equations: Homogeneous Linear Equations with constant coefficients. The Method of Undetermined Coefficients, Variation of Parameters, The Cauchy-Euler Equation. Series Solutions of Linear Differential Equations. Bessel Differential Equations. The Laplace Transform.

ECON 205 Principles of Economics (3-0)3           ECTS:4

The nature of economics. A general view of price system. Market and pricing. The determination and the control of the national income. Fiscal policy. Money, banking, and monetary policy. International trade and finance. Economic growth and development.

ME 207 Thermodynamics  I (2-2)3            ECTS:6

Properties of a Pure Substance. Equations of State for Fluids and Solids. Work, Heat. First Law of Thermodynamics for Closed and Open Systems. Second Law of Thermodynamics, Carnot Cycle, Entropy, Irreversibility and Availability.

ME 208 Thermodynamics  II (2-2)3          ECTS:6

Vapor Power and Gas Cycles. Refrigeration Cycles. Thermodynamic Relations. Mixtures of Gases, application to Hygrometry and Air Conditioning. Chemical Reactions. Combustion. Chemical Equilibrium.

ME 222 Dynamics (2-2)3                 ECTS:5

Motion of Particles. Rigid Bodies under the action of Forces and Moments. Newton’s Second Law of Motion. Kinematics of Motion in Rectangular and Polar Coordinates. Work-Energy and Impulse-Momentum Method.

ME 224 Strength of Materials (2-2)3         ECTS:5

Stress and Strain. Criteria for the Failure of Structural Components and Common Engineering Materials. Deflection Analysis. Statistically Indeterminate Members, Thermal Stresses. Combined Stresses, Mohr Circle. Buckling. Fatique Failure.

ME 242 Applied Mathematic for Engineers (3-0)3           ECTS:6

Vector Analysis, Matrices, Determinants, Systems of Linear Equations. Linear and Orthogonal Transformations. Complex Numbers and Variables. Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus. Harmonic Functions. Taylor’s Series. Singular Points. Geometric Representation of Complex Variables and Comformal Mapping.

EE 210 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic Circuits (3-0)3       ECTS:4

Fundamentals circuit laws. Resistive circuit analysis. Sinusoidal steady state response of circuits. Three phase circuits. Magnetic circuits and transformers. Electromechanical energy conversion. Semiconductor elements. Transistor biasing and amplifiers. Operational amplifiers and integrated circuits.


ME 300 Machining Internship  (0-0)0              ECTS:7

Basic Machining Operations: Theoretical and practical learning of basic machining operations such as turning, milling and drilling. CNC (Computerised Numerical Control) Applications: Use of CNC machines, programming and development of operational skills. Cutting Tools and Materials: Giving basic information about the types, selection and use of cutting tools. Workpiece Design and Measurement: Providing basic information about workpiece design, measurement techniques and tolerances. Safety and Occupational Health: Teaching safety principles, use of personal protective equipment and occupational health precautions in machining environments.

ME 396 Metal Forming and Casting Internship (0-0)0        ECTS:7

Acquire practical knowledge and skills in metal forming and casting processes. Understanding the basic principles, equipment and processes of metal forming and casting. Cutting Tools and Materials: Giving basic information about the types, selection and use of cutting tools. Workpiece Design and Measurement: Providing basic information about workpiece design, measurement techniques and tolerances. Safety and Occupational Health: Teaching safety principles, use of personal protective equipment and occupational health precautions in machining environments.

ME 301 Fluid  Mechanics I (2-2)3              ECTS:5

Definition of fluid and their types based on deformation rate. Concept of shear stress. Fluid statics. Stability of floating objects. Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches. Conservation of mass and momentum in integral sense.  Derivation of Bernoulli and Euler equations and applications.

ME 302 Fluid Mechanics II (2-2)3             ECTS:6

Non-dimensional analysis of fluid flow problems and its importance in engineering applications. Similarity applicaitons in the fluid flow problems. Differantial analysis of fluid flow problems and their practical implicaitons. Energy equation and application on Internal flow problems and pipe networks. Use of Pump and Turbine type machinery in pipe networks and their effect in flow energy. External flow problems. Drag and lift pheonomena. Flow around a wing and its basic theory.

ME 311 Machine Elements  I (3-0)3          ECTS:4

Mechanical Properties of Materials. Tolerances and Allowances. Static and Fatique Design Criterias. Mean and Combined Stresses. Shafts. Critical Speed. Design of Permanent and Detachable Joints: Riveting, Welding, Bolts, Screws, Keys, Pins, Rings. Springs. Small design projects will be given during the Course.

ME 312 Machine Elements II (3-0)3          ECTS:6

Bearings, Their types and Selection procedures. Power Transmission Elements: Ropes, Chains, Clutches and Gears. Friction and Lubrication. Small design projects will be given during the Course.

ME 323 Manufacturing Processes (3-0)3              ECTS:4

Casting Techniques, Metal Forming Processes, Joining Techniques, Welding Processes, Ceramic Processing, Powder Processing, Chip Removal Processes, Automation in Production (NC, Robotics, CAD/CAM).

ME 328 Manufacturing Engineering (3-0)3          ECTS:5

An Overview of Manufacturing Processes. Time Analysis and Cost Estimation. Process Planning. Layout Design. Quality Control. The use of Computers and Industrial Robots in Manufacturing. Cost Analysis in Manufacturing.

ME 331 Theory of Machines I (3-0)3                     ECTS:4

Introduction to Mechanisms. Degree of Freedom. Kinematic Analysis of Planar Mechanisms by Graphical and Analytical Methods. Linear Mechanical Systems. Four-Link Mechanisms. Cams.

ME 332 Theory of Machines II (3-0)3                   ECTS:5

Rigid Body Dynamics of Machinery, Graphical and Analytical Methods. Inertia Forces. Vibration Analysis, Equation of Motion, Free and Forced Vibrations, Balancing.

ME 341 Heat Transfer (4-0)4                     ECTS:5

Heat Conduction: Diffusion Equation, Boundary Conditions, One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction, Thermal Resistance Concept. Fins.Transient Conduction: Lumped Analysis, Heisler Diagrams. Finite Difference Methods. Convective Heat Transfer. Boundary Layers. External and Internal Flow Correlations. Natural Convection. Boiling and Condensation. Fundamentals of Thermal Radiation: Blackbody Radiation. View Factors, Radiation in Enclosures, Circuit Analyses. Small Projects will be given during the Course.

ME 343 Numerical Methods in Engineering (3-0)3                     ECTS:3

Curve Fitting, Linear and Multiple Regression. Roots of Equations. Interpolation, Numerical Differentiation and Integration. Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: Euler’s and Modified Euler’s Method. Runge Kutta Methods.

ME 352 System Analysis and Control (4-0)4        ECTS:5

Modeling and Analysis of the Dynamic Systems that include Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Thermal, Electrical and Electromechanical Elements. Response of  Systems. Time and Frequency Domain Solutions. Servo and Regular Characteristics. Stability Analysis. Feedback Control: P, PD, PI and PID.

ENG 302 Technical Writing and Communication (3-0)3            ECTS:3

Methods of library research. Techniques for the preparation of research papers report and term papers. Communication practices on selected topics.


ME 400 Manufacturing-based Industrial Organisation (0-0)0 ECTS:9

Introduction and Examination of Production Processes. Use and Maintenance of Machinery and Equipment. Participation in Design and Engineering Projects. Quality Control and Assurance Processes. Communication and Teamwork

ME 401 Engineering Economics and Design (3-2)4 ECTS:6

The Design Philosopy and Methodology. Engineering Economics and Economics Decision Making for a Process or a Product. Application of Optimization Principles to a Specific Engineering Problem. Cost Estimation . A term Project will be given during the Course.

ME 402 Engineering Design (2-4)4 ECTS:12

A Term  Project will be given to the Students., in which  the knowledge gained during the Whole Education will be used to make a design and sometimes to create a product.

ME 404 Thermal-Fluid Systems Design (2-4)4 ECTS:12

Engineering design through teamwork in heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, design report writing in these areas, developing awareness of current challenges and the wider impact of engineering design practice

ME 406 Manufacturing and Materials Design (2-4)4 ECTS:12

Engineering design with the help of teamwork in manufacturing systems, manufacturing processes optimization and materials development, design report writing in these areas, understanding the ethical and societal implications of engineering design decisions in manufacturing systems and materials.

ME 409 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (2-2)3          ECTS:4

Laboratory Techniques and verifying the Theoretical Concepts. Methods for analyzing and presenting data. Report Preparation and Presentation of Technical Reports. A number of Experiments about Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Materials Science, System Analysis, Process Control and Instrumentation.

ME 496 Design-based Industrial Organisation Internship (0-0)0 ECTS:9

Introduction to Research and Development Processes. Use of Technological Tools and Methods. Innovative Project Management. Industrial Co-operation and Innovation. Patent and Intellectual Property Management


ME 421 Hvac Equipment (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Concept of thermal comfort, Psychrometic chart, componenets of HVAC systems (compressors, fan, Coil, pumps, heat exchangers, etc), Classification of HVAC system, prenciple working of air handling units and selection, prenciple working of heat pumps and chiller and selection.

ME 422 Building Heating systems: Fundamentals and Design (2-2)3   ECTS:5

Heating technique, heating load of buildings, equipment of heating systems

ME 423 Internal Combustion Engines (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Introduction. Basics, History, Types, Uses. Thermodynamics, Cycles. Fuels, mixtures, combustion. Spark Ignition (SI) combustion. Compression Ignition (Diesel)  (CI) combustion. Characteristics of the Working Cycle (indicated and effective characteristics). Motor Vehicle Engine Characteristics. Parameters effecting engine characteristics. Fuel feed systems of SI and CI engines. Supercharging, Turbocharging. Crank- Piston dynamics / Engine Balancing. Crank-piston- connecting rod design. Lubrication System Cooling system / thermal balance.

ME 424 Principles of Turbo Machinery (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Dimensional Analiysis and Similitude, Review of related thermodynamics and fluid mechanics topics, 2-D Cascade flows:  Energy losses, lift and drag issues, 2-D Cascade flows:  Fan Blade Design, compressor and turbine cascade,performances, Axial flow turbines: Velocity diagrams, Sodeberg correlations, wellsturbines and pitch controlled turbines, Axial Compressors and Fans, Mid-Term, Axail turbomachinery 3-D analysis, Centrifugal pumps, Fans, and Compressors, Radial Gas Turbines: Design of Rotor, Mach number relationships, optimum efficiency Radial Gas Turbines:  Incidence losses, wave energy conversion, Hydraulic Turbines: Pelton, Hydraulic Turbines: Kaplan, Francis.Wind Turbines

ME 425 Heat Exchangers (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Introduction to heat exchangers. Heat transfer mechanism. Flow arrangements. Basic design methods: log mean temperature difference, the effectiveness-NTU method. Double pipe heat exchangers. Heat exchanger pressure drop. Fouling of heat exchangers. Shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Compact heat exchangers. Plate type heat exchangers. Condensers and evaporators. Term project.

ME 426 Compressible Flows (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Review of related thermodynamics and fluid mechanics topics,  Stagnation Properties, Speed of Sound, 1-D Isentropic Flow, Isentropic Flow through nozzles, Shock waves and Expansion waves, Rayleigh Flow, Fanno Flow, Invicid Incompressible Flow,Invicid Incompressible Flow, Mid-Term, Invicid Compressible Flow,Invicid Compressible Flow, Subsonic Flow, Subsonic Flow , Supersonic Flow, Supersonic flow.

ME 427 Introduction to Renewable Energy Resources (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Introduction to renewable energies. Principles of renewable energies. Basic laws of heat transfer and fluid mechanics. Uses of renewable energies: solar, wind, geothermal, bio, tidal, wave, etc. Storage of energy and its distribution.

ME 428 Introduction to Theoretical Combustion (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Thermodynamic property relations, Gas Mixtures, P-v-T Behavior of Gas Mixtures (Ideal and Real Gases), Chemical Reactions, Fuels and Combustion, Enthalpy of Formation/Combustion, First-Law Analysis of Reacting Systems, Adiabatic Flame Temperature, Entropy Change of Reacting Systems, Second-Law Analysis of Reacting systems, Chemical Equilibrium, Criterion, The Equilibrium Constant for Ideal-Gas Mixtures, Some Remarks about the of equilibrium constant, K_p of Ideal-Gas Mixtures, Chemical Equilibrium for Simultaneous Reactions, Variation of K_p with Temperature.

ME 429 Refrigeration (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Basic thermodynamics principles, laws of thermodynamics, refrigeration cycle, cycle components, duty of components, cooling load calculations, refrigeration systems using renewable energy sources, chill store heat loss calculations.

ME 430 Tribology  (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Introduction to the concept of tribo-design, basic principle of tribology, elements of contact mechanics, friction, lubrication and wear in lower kinematic pairs, sliding-element bearings, friction, lubrication and wear in higher kinematic pairs, rolling-contact bearings

ME 431 Mechanics of Composite Materials (3-0)3 ECTS:5

The purpose of the course is to educate the student in the various aspects of mechanics for using composite materials in the design and analysis of composite structures and products. These include the introduction to composite materials; anisotropic elasticity and laminate theory; plates and panels of composite materials; beams, columns and rods; composite material shell structures; energy methods; strength and failure theories; adhesive bonding and mechanical fastening; hygrothermal effects; stress analysis, buckling, vibrations and impact.

 ME 432 Introduction to Geothermal Energy (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Introduction to geothermal energy. The use of geothermal energy. Electricity generation. Direct use applications: space and district heating, space cooling, greenhouse heating, heat pumps, aquaculture, industrial applications. Environmental impacts of geothermal applications. Geothermal laws. Field trips to a geothermal power plant and some geothermal direcr use applications. Term project.

ME 436 HVAC System Design (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Introduction, Psychometrics, heat transfer through buildings, internal heat sources,  indoor and outdoor design conditions, review of heating load calculation, cooling load calculation, load calculation software, summer and winter processes, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, all-water systems, all-air systems, air-and-water systems, HVAC control systems, individual room air conditioning systems

ME 438 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Conservation Laws and Boundary Conditions,The Finite Volume Method for Diffusion Problems, the Finite Volume Method for Convection-Diffusion Problems, Solution Algorithms for Pressure-Velocity Coupling in Steady Flows,Solution of Discretization Equations.

ME 444 Introduction to Microfluidics (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Review of fundamentals of fluid mechanics; Micro/nano-scale gas flows; Micro-scale liquid flows; Electrokinetic transport phenomena and their microfluidic applications; Microfabrication techniques: micromachining, photo-lithography, and soft-lithography; Design and fabrication of paper-based microfluidic devices.

ME 445 Automotive Engineering I (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Vehicle performance: engine characteristics, resistances to motion, maximum speed, acceleration performance, gradability. Calculation of fuel consumption. Power train: clutch, gearbox, gear ratios, propeller shaft, universal and constant velocity joints, differential, differential ratio, drive shafts. Brakes: basic requirements, directional stability, weight transfer, brake force distribution.

ME 450 Sustainable Hydrogen Production (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Fundamental aspects and applications of hydrogen energy. Hydrogen production processes by thermochemical, biological, electrolytic, and direct solar radiation. Investigation of hydrogen production systems with life cycle assessment. Examination of hydrogen production systems with techno-economic analysis.

ME 451  System Dynamics (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Unified treatment of mechanical, electrical, thermal, and liquid level systems; one-port and two-port elements; graph representations; elemental and structural equations; state models of dynamic systems; energy-based selection of state variables and causality; time response of first and second order systems; higher order systems; frequency response.

ME 455 Mechanical Vibrations (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Elements of Vibrating Systems, Free Vibration of One-Degree-of-Freedom Systems, Harmonic Excitation of One-Degree-of-Freedom Systems, Multi-Degree-of-Freedom-System Derivation of Governing Equations, Free Vibration of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom-Systems, Forced Vibration of Multi-Degree-of Transient Vibrations of One-Degree-of-Freedom Systems, Vibration Control.

ME 456 Acoustics for Engineers (3-0)3 ECTS:5

History of Acoustics, Fundamentals of Acoustics, Sound Wave Propagation and Characteristics, Vibrating Strings,Vibrating Bars, Vibrating Membrane and Plates, Sound Measuring Instrumentation, Physiology of Hearing and Psychoacoustics, Architectural Acoustics,Criteria and Regulations for Noise Control,Machinery Noise Control.

ME 457 Introduction to Biomechanics (3-0)3 ECTS:5

In this course, the fundamental principles of biomechanics and their application to the real life situations will be covered including: basic understanding of the application of mechanical principles in biology, understanding of anatomical and biomechanical terminology, application of biomechanical principles to human movement, basic understanding of the mechanical properties of biological tissues and the techniques used to determine them, and more recent advanced topics such as mechanics of cells, tissue imaging and tissue engineering. Use of engineering tools to solve problems in biomechanics will be also covered in the course.

ME 458 Introduction to Solid Mechanics (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Deformable bodies, Analysis of  Stress and Strain, Stress-Strain Relations, Theories of Torsion, Theories of Strength, Beams and Bending, Stability of Mechanical Systems, Introduction to Energy Methods

ME 460 Introduction to Robot Technology(3-0)3 ECTS:5

Robot kinematic analysis by investigating forward and inverse problems, Velocity and acceleration analysis of robots, Static force analysis of robots, Introduction to dynamic modelling of robots, Singularity analysis, Controller design

ME 461 Industrial Automation Systems (3-0)3 ECTS:5

PLC, SCADA, microcontrollers, microprocessors. Actuators and sensors. Network and electrical structures. Power transmission systems.

ME 462 Dynamic Modelling and Control of Robots (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Mechanism construction in CAD software, Dynamic modelling of robots,Task-oriented simulation of the robot, Creating the virtual representation of the robot, Controller design and tests in simulation environment

ME 466 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (3-0)3 ECTS:5

A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence, An Introduction to Matlab, Uses and Limitations of AI,Knowledge Representation, Search Methodologies, Machine Learning, Artificial Life: Learning through Emergent Behavior,Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms

ME 467 Computer Aided Mechanical Design (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Creating the computer-aided detail and assembly drawings making the calculations of given project.

ME 469 Control System Design (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Root Locus: Basic Definition and Properties-Design in Feedback Control Systems Using Root Locus Technique Frequency Response: Basic Definition,Properties-Bode Diagram-Nyquist Diagram and Nichols chart-Stability in Frenquency Domain-Design in Feedback Control Systems Using Frequency Response Technique.

ME 470 Introduction Aerodynamics (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Review of fundamental conservation laws and Vector Calculus, Gauss and Stokes Integral Theories.  Potential Flow Theory ,, Laplace Equation For Irrotational Incompressible Flow, Kutta-Joukowsky Theorems, Introduction To Panel Methods, Incompressible Flows Over Airfoils, Cambered Airfoil, Aerodynamic Center, Vortex Panel For Lifting Flows Over Arbitrary Bodies, Low-Speed Airfoils, Viscous Flow And Drag, Finite Wings:  Downwash And Induced Drag, Vortex Filament, Biot-Savart Law, Helmholtz Theorem, Prandtl’s Lifting-Line Theory, Numerical Nonlinear Lifting-Line Method, Numerical Vortex Lattice Method, introduction on the flows around Delta Wings.

ME 472 Pneumatics and Hydraulics in Automation (2-2)3 ECTS:5

Basic principles of hydraulics, system fluids, circuit elements, circuit design and examples from industrial applications.

ME 473 Dynamics of Machinery  (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Dynamic force analysis, derivation and numerical solution of equations of motion in machinery; flywheel design; electric motors and motor selection; cam dynamics; balancing in machinery.

ME 477 Introduction to Kinematic Synthesis of Planar Linkages  (2-2)3 ECTS:5

Kinematic synthesis problems in mechanisms, graphical synthesis methods for planar linkages, dead-center design of planar linkages, analytical and semi-analytical approximation methods and numerical optimization methods, kinematic synthesis formulation with dyads.

ME 478 Engineering Economy and Production Management (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Introduction and present economy studies. Cost concepts. Time value of money and equivalence. Comparison of investment alternatives. Replacement analysis. Depreciation and after-tax analysis. Sensitivity analysis. Evaluation of public projects. Linear programming. Large scale project planning.

ME 481 Materials Characterization (1-4)3 ECTS:5

Introduction. Fundamentals of crystallography. Properties of X-rays and electron beam. Use of X-ray diffraction (XRD) to determine crystal structures, chemical compositions of metallic and ceramic materials. Scanning electron microscope, its principles of operation. Metallographic sample preperation: cutting, grindling, polishing, etching. Optical microscopy. Reflected light and transmitted light microscopy.

ME 482 Materials Selection and Design (3-0)3 ECTS:5

The Design Process, Materials Selection Charts, Materials Selection Basics, Materials Indices and property limits, The Efficieny of Standard Sections, Materials Selection Case Studies

ME 484 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (3-0)3 ECTS:5

The goals of this course are to provide an introduction to the mechanical behavior of engineering materials including metals, ceramics, polymers and their composites.  The student will have familiarity with the basic mechanics of elastic and plastic deformations, strengthening, fracture and mechanical testing methods.

ME 486 Advanced Manufacturing (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Advanced machining theory and practices, precision machining, advanced machining, forming and welding processes, additive manufacturing, surface engineering, metrology in manufacturing, smart manufacturing, sustainable and cost-effective manufacturing.

ME 488 Introduction to Ceramics (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Introduction to the history of the industrial segments of the ceramic industry. Classification of the industry based on product lines and raw materials used. Examination of crystal chemistry, occurence, processing and preperation of raw materials prior to processing into final ware.

ME 490 Introduction to Composite Materials (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Introduction to composite materials. Fibers and fiber architecture. Matrices. Elastic deformation of long-fiber composites. Laminates and their elestic behaviour. Stress ans strain in short fiber composites. The interface region, interface formation mechanisms, measurement of bonding strength. Strength and toughness of composites. Processing technologies for polymer, metal and ceramic matrix composites and their applications.

ME 495 Aircraft Performance  (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Atmospheric model, aero forces, thrust and aircraft engines, weights of aircraft, engine types and regarding performence parameters calculations in derived take off, climb, level flight, descending flight, landing mathematical model equations

ME   497  Introduction to Gas Turbines  (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Shaft Power Cycles, Gas Turbine Cycles for Aircraft Propulsion, Centrifugal Compressors, Axial Flow Compressors, Combustion systems, Axial flow turbines, Prediction of Performance of Simple Gas Turbine Systems.

ME   498  Supplementary Curricular Courses (3-0)3 ECTS:5

Students will be able to attend educational programmes which are related to Mechanical Engineering and not covered by the courses offered in the institute. They will present the programmes' outcomes as a final report to the instructor.

ME 499 Cooperative Education Course (0-6)3 ECTS:5

Students will have two weeks theoretical education, then they will work in the companies one day a week throughout the semester. They will prepare a report about their works and submit it to department.


Courses for Other Departments:

ME 231 Materials Science and Engineering (3-0)3          ECTS:3

Atomic theory and bonding in solids. Crystalline and non-crystalline materials. Imperfections in solids. Classification of engineering materials. Pure metals, alloy steels, stainless steel, cast iron, non-ferrous alloys. Phase diagrams and iron-carbon phase diagram. Mechanical properties and testing. Corrosion control and principles.